Houseowner & Householder Insurance

Better Protection For Happier Homes

Your home is your sanctuary, and it’s only natural that you want to preserve this idyllic space by ensuring it’s always protected. But no matter how hard you try, it’s nearly impossible to prevent the unexpected from happening, in which case, Houseowner & Householder Insurance helps alleviate the financial burden that arises when the untoward happen to your home and its contents.

Are You Eligible?

Houseowner & Householder Insurance is available for all houseowners, householders and house renters. It covers loss or damage to the physical building and / or contents of residential houses, flats and condominiums, excluding buildings under construction, from a range of occurrences.

Total Protection for Your Home

The basic Houseowner & Householder Insurance policy covers your home against the following:

  • Fire, lightning, thunderbolt and subterranean fire
  • Explosion
  • Aircraft and other aerial devices and / or articles dropped therefrom
  • Impact by any road vehicles or animals not belonging to or under the control of the Insured or any member of the family
  • Bursting or overflowing of domestic water tanks, apparatus or pipes
  • Theft, if accompanied by actual forced and violent breaking into or out of a building or any attempt to do so
  • Hurricane, cyclone, typhoon and windstorm
  • Earthquake and volcanic eruption
  • Flood, excluding loss or damage caused by subsidence or landslip

Home Extensions Done Right

Apart from the basic Houseowner & Householder Insurance policy, you can also choose to extend coverage, with an additional premium, to encompass:


For Section 1: Buildings

  • Damage caused by plate glass
  • Damage caused by alterations, repairs and additions


For Section 2: Household Contents

  • Coverage against unoccupancy in excess of 90 days
  • Coverage against full theft


For Both Sections 1 & 2

Additional coverage against:

  • Riot, Strike and Malicious Damage
  • Subsidence and Landslip
  • Liability to the Public

Come Home to Affordable Premiums

Basic premiums for Houseowner & Householder Insurance are calculated based on a standard tariff rate prescribed by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) and are affected by the type of building (detached, non-detached, flats or apartment), construction classification of the building and the sum insured. 

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The Building Cost Calculator (BCC) is intended to be used as a guide to help you in determining the estimated sum insured for your residential property, shop house or shop office.

You are advised to review the sum insured to provide for the actual cost of rebuilding, including any renovation and inflation to avoid underinsurance.

Please click HERE to visit PIAM's website for the BCC calculator as your reference.

Key features

  • Section 1: Buildings - Buildings refers to the physical building of a residential house, flat or condominium.
  • Section 2: Household Contents - This includes loss or damage to contents, damage to mirrors through breakage (excluding hand mirrors), temporary removal of property, compensation for the death of the Insured Person if death occurs within 3 calendar months of injury, and damage to servants’ property.
  • Section 3A: Rental Loss - This protects against loss of rent due to a dwelling being rendered uninhabitable by covered events.
  • Section 3B: Personal Liability - This covers liability of up to RM50,000 should you be sued for injury due to unsafe conditions within your insured property.


Liberty General Insurance Berhad is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). PIDM protects the benefit(s) payable under the eligible policy up to protection limits. Please refer to PIDM's TIPS Brochure or PIDM's Website, or contact our customer service.