Alert: Service Tax Implementation

Important Notice:-

Please be informed that Service Tax is implemented by the Government of Malaysia with effect from 1 September 2018 at a rate of six (6) per centum.

AmGeneral Insurance Berhad reserves the right to collect from you an amount equivalent to the Service Tax payable on the applicable premium for the policy period, or in the event that the policy period commences before but expires after 1 September 2018, to collect from you an amount equivalent to the Service Tax payable on the applicable premium calculated from 1 September 2018 on a pro-rated basis.

Your obligation to pay Service Tax shall form part of the Terms and Conditions in your insurance policy.

The laws governing Service Tax are as per the Service Tax Act, 2018 and all Regulations passed by the Government of Malaysia from time to time.

Notis Mustahak:-

Dimaklumkan bahawa Cukai Perkhidmatan telah dikuatkuasakan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia pada 1 September 2018 pada kadar enam (6) peratus.

AmGeneral Insurance Berhad berhak memungut sejumlah amaun bayaran Cukai Perkhidmatan yang berpatutan keatas premium yang ditetapkan semasa tempoh polisi, atau sekiranya tempoh polisi bermula sebelum dan berakhir selepas 1 September 2018, memungut daripada pemegang polisi amaun Cukai Perkhidmatan keatas premium yang dikira secara pro-rata mulai 1 September 2018.

Kewajipan pembayaran Cukai Perkhidmatan hendaklah tertakluk kepada Terma dan Syarat di dalam polisi Insurans.

Undang-Undang yang mengawal Cukai Perkhidmatan tertakluk kepada Akta Cukai Perkhidmatan, 2018 dan segala Peraturan yang diluluskan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia dari semasa ke semasa.